Monday, November 16, 2009

post 8:Rubric!!!

4 (exceeding standards)
3 (meeting standards)
2 (Approaching standards)
1 (Far below the standards)
Choosing significant passages
Students have chosen the most significant passages that add to the meaning of the novel.
Students have chosen significant passages that develop the meaning of the novel.
Students have chosen 10 passages in the novel that are meaningful.
Students have chosen 10 passages without thought.
Analysis of the passages
Each analysis is thoughtful and insightful. The students can recognize and understand the significance of a wide range of literary elements and use those
elements to interpret all the passages.
The students can recognize and understand the significance of a wide range of literary elements and use those
elements to interpret all of the passages.
The students can recognize and understand the significance of a wide range of literary elements and use those
elements to interpret most of the passages.
The students describe what is happening in the passages instead of analyzing the significance of the passages.
The final draft shows evidence of thorough editing. In addition to editing moves we have discussed in class, the author has found other errors to correct.

The final draft shows evidence of editing. The piece does not contain errors that were addressed in class.

There is some evidence of editing. There are some places where words are missing or phrasing is awkward. Some mistakes addressed in class lessons remain.

There is little evidence of the editing process. The final draft may be the only draft included or the final draft may not show evidence of any editing strategies from class.

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